The good living and community magazine for Exeter, Plymouth and across South Devon

Editorials by:

Traditional treats & spare tyres

THE season of feasting is here. Our resident foodie, JANE HUTTON, offers some healthy tweaks to our festive intake. SO, the big C is here again. Christmas, not Covid, although hopefully we have avoided Covid-related disruption to our celebrations this year. The...

The taste of summer on a plate

We all have our summertime favourite veg, for our resident foodie, JANE HUTTON it’s the often overlooked courgette. High summer is a time of sunshine (hopefully), and a cornucopia of fresh produce everywhere you look. If you grow your own fruit and veg, there are...

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A summer explosion of plant foods

OUR resident foodie, JANE HUTTON, explores the health benefits of plant-based eating over processed foods. WHETHER you’re exploring the health benefits of switching to a more plantbased diet, or you already eat this way, it’s crucial you make the right food choices to...

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Weaning our children off sweet foods

WITH this being an early years themed issue, resident foodie JANE HUTTON offers some advice on baby foods. OF ALL the stages that a child goes through before it leaves the care of its mother, weaning is one of the most crucial. We are used to the debate about whether...

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The best way to taste the rainbow

OUR resident foodie, JANe HUTTON, explores the link between fresh, real food and keeping healthy. 2018 is the year where I hope to see more of us get real about health, food, and disease. I saw a huge increase in awareness of the intrinsic links between us, our...

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Stay merry and bright this winter

OUR resident foodie, JANE HUTTON, suggests some easy remedies to keep away those seasonal winter blues. S EASONAL affective disorder (SAD), is more common in the UK than we might think. Weak, watery winter sunshine, if we get any at all, doesn’t exactly encourage us...

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An autumnal carnival of pumpkins

JANE HUTTON, our resident foodie, loves an autumnal harvest that provides a bountiful supply of heavenly food. THIS issue I’m going into full functional foodie mode, plus a pumpkin recipe to warm your cockles. This is what I do, after all. My whole philosophy rests on...

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Celebrating the season of soft fruit

It’s a time of merry making and JANE HUTTON is celebrating the season of bountiful produce available for feasting. THE sun is blazing down, the sky is a cloudless azure, nature is going bananas, and my garden produce needs daily harvesting – this can mean only one...

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Abundant herbs are a great tonic

OUR foodie JANE HUTTON reveals there’s much more to herbs than just a fl avouring, garnish or condiment. AS we ease into summer, with plants and flowers bursting out all over, gardens planted and tidied, and the winter slipping into distant memory, our thoughts turn...

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Adding sea vegetables to your diet

WITH this edition having a coastal theme to it, regular foodie JANE HUTTON extols the virtues of Dulse. IF your consumption of sea vegetables thus far on your culinary journey has been limited to a bit of sushi from the supermarket, then you’re missing out. Whether...

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Beating the seasonal blues

SO, Christmas is a distant memory, the January blues are over with, and it’s all down hill to spring! As we hit February and March, the urge for comfort food grows, and even the lengthening days don’t yet make up for feeling winter-weary. The options in terms of what...

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