The good living and community magazine for Exeter, Plymouth and across South Devon

Editorials by:

Kate does… a green Christmas

MOST issues your wellbeing editor Kate tries out a treatment or event or activity each time. This issue the focus on something a bit different. Kaye’s here to help you enjoy a more sustainable, and meaningful festive season. AS I write this it’s Bonfire Night and...

Kate does…Transformational breathing

This issue we start a new regular feature “Kate does....” where we will be trying out a treatment or event or activity each issue to give you a bit more of an insight into what it’s like to take part. First up, Kate samples a Transformational breathing workshop with...

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Overcoming writer’s block

WRITER’S block is a term that is used to describe the debilitating brain fog that can seep into your mind sometimes, obscuring your creativity and clouding your thoughts. The sense of panic and frustration it engenders just makes the situation worse and it’s easy to...

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