The good living and community magazine for Exeter, Plymouth and across South Devon

Editorials by:

Organic Gardening

THIS issue our resident gardening expert TANYA PEARSON has much to be done on the veg patch before those ominous looking clouds gather overhead. A touch of colour ‘neath skies of grey BETWEEN the rainy days (or rainy weeks!), I like to make the most of every bright...

Just keep sowing, sowing, sowing

IT’S harvesting time, and our resident gardening expert JOA GROWER has some top tips to keep the produce growing in your gardens for sometime yet. WELL, I would imagine that a lot of you are now busy harvesting, eating and enjoying all the lovely crops that you have...

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Extra feeding for Summer days

OUR gardening expert JOA GROWER offers summertime advice for gardeners to make the best of the longer days. HERE we are, Summer at last. Way back in April I didn’t think it was ever going to stop raining! So, what do we need to get on with over the next few months?...

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Bright dry sunny days in the garden

OUR gardening expert JOA GROWER suggests that a bit of gardening is a great way to manage those winter blues. IT’S time to put your feet up and relax. Surely there is nothing to do in the vegetable patch at this time of year is there? In fact I always seem to be just...

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Autumn undertakings for the garden

TIPS from JOA GROWER this time include planting a green manure, compost checking, and having a general tidy up. I must say that this time of the year is probably not my most favourite. Most plants are now safely in the ground and if they are not, there’s still time to...

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Welcome to the busy summer days

JOA GROWER offers advice for gardeners as the days are long and the so are the lists of things to be done. WELL here we go again its summer already, where does the time go? I hope you’re all spending lots of time on your vegetable plots. It doesn’t seem to matter how...

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Sowing the seeds of love-ly veg

The arrival of longer days means the start of the main growing season. Our expert JOA GROWER offers more ad- vice for all budding gardeners. SPRING time is here again, and probably the busiest time of the year for us gardeners. The days are now longer, which means...

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Keep an eye on the forecasts

ORGANIC GARDENING It’s a new growing year and JOA GROWER has some tips for gardeners on protecting your new seedlings, and maximising your early crops. Welcome once again to the beginning of a new growing year. Let’s all keep our fingers crossed its as good as the...

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