Kate does… Life Coaching with Bee Greenway

May 26, 2021

YOUR wellbeing editor Kate tries out a treatment or event or activity each issue this time it is life coaching.

AS a former business coach, since 2008, Bee Greenway found that people often presented with the same problems again and again. It was all to do with a lack of confidence and self-worth, sometimes also a loss of purpose and meaning. Often, she felt powerless to help them. That was until how own crisis of confidence about getting older and losing her place within the BBC where she’d worked for many years took her to a ‘Heal Your Life’ workshop.

She’d encountered the principles pioneered by Louise Hay previously when she’d tried to read her book years before. However, she’d dismissed them as being “too American” and nearly didn’t make it past day one of the workshop for the same reasons. Something made Bee persist, however, and she admits now that the workshop was a pivotal point in her life. She was so inspired by what she learned that she went on to train as a Heal Your Life coach and now uses these techniques as the basis for her Greenway Life Coaching Practice.

I saw Bee at Ola Chiropractic in Totnes on a beautiful sunny afternoon in May. We began by doing a simple breathing exercise and then Bee asked me what I wanted to work on. I described a situation in my life that was making me feel upset, angry, anxious and very very stressed. She asked me questions about it – how would I feel if the conclusions I’ve draw about the situation weren’t true, if I did know what to do in this situation how would I act at this point in time?

It was not like counselling, there was no in-depth discussion about how I felt about the situation or what might have caused it. Instead, we explored how I might be able to think differently about it. Bee suggested a couple of techniques devised by Louise Hay to help with the mindset shift. The first was to look in the mirror and speak to my reflection “I really love and approve of you”. Difficult to do that without noticing my mismatched eyes and oversquare chin!

Next we talked about affirmations. Bee mentioned some that I might use (“I deserve love”, “I forgive myself totally”) but recommended that I find my own words that truly resonate with me. She explained that words like these help to create new neural pathways in our brain and pointed out that this seemingly simple process has profound healing potential.

I have always admired Louise Hay and believe that coaching based around her methods has a lot to offer. Many of her ideas are very simple but experience has taught me that simple techniques are often the most profound when applied consistently. Bee’s aim is to help people become “better resourced so they don’t need me” using Louise Hay’s tried and trusted methods. I like the idea of becoming self-empowered and self-resourced. For some people eight sessions are enough to give them all the skills they need. I had just one session and I came away with some new ways of thinking and a couple of simple self-help techniques.

Bee is accredited by the International Coaching Federation. She charges £45 per session and works via Zoom and face-to-face. Contact her on 07771 911710 or visit www.greenwaylife.co.uk or call 07971 101332 or visit www. devonthaimassage.com