The good living and community magazine for Exeter, Plymouth and across South Devon

Real food is the key to a healthy diet

Dec 24, 2018

OUR resident foodie, JANE HUTTON, offers some simple tips to making healthy choices with a positive impact.

AS WE move into the end of 2018, and our thoughts turn to 2019, one of the themes we see every December, everywhere we look, is the ‘new year, new you’ chestnut! Shouldn’t looking after our health be taken as read? Ideally, of course it should, but with the pace of modern life, it can end up last on the list until ill health comes knocking. It doesn’t have to be this way. There are some simple ways to ensure you have more energy, better mood, and all round vibrant health. Not surprisingly, food is the foundation of it all. Real food is key – if it doesn’t exist in nature, or come directly from the earth, tree, bush, field or stem, don’t eat it. Eat breakfast and regularly throughout the day. Lastly, make sure every meal contains protein and healthy fat as well as carbs. You can do this by making easy swaps, like guacamole instead of mayonnaise; prioritising eggs, healthier cheeses, and meats like chicken or salmon over bread, chocolate, pasta, with a plate at least half veg. It’s amazing how quickly we develop better eating habits when we think about what to eat while we’re planning our week ahead. Build a collection of recipes that can be batch-cooked and save time, and get the kids involved to make it a family creative life skills time. Having a stash of healthy snacks to prevent blood sugar crashes and bad choices helps too, though that doesn’t mean that cake and chocolate are off the menu. Healthy choices certainly don’t mean deprivation. There’s room in a consistently fresh, broad and varied eating regime for holidays, birthdays, and blow outs, as well as desserts and treats. Making cakes, desserts and treats that contribute nutrients as well as being delicious and indulgent is as easy as swapping ingredients for ones with health benefits, and, as ever, comes down to gathering a collection of recipes. This month I’ve given you not just one, but two, glorious yet healthy desserts for your winter comfort food collection. Cook, eat, enjoy! If you do nothing else for your health in 2019, make an effort to try at least one of the health resolutions here. Each one is ‘one small change’, and whether on their own or together, they can have a huge positive impact on your mood, energy and wellbeing. Rest well, eat well, and treat your body as a holistic being with physical, mental and emotional needs. Wishing you happiness and health through the festive season and beyond into 2019!

Gluten free cherry crumble

900g cherries
2 tbsp light muscovado sugar
2 tbsp brandy (optional)
knob of butter
100g light muscovado sugar
100g cold butter, cubed
50g gluten free oats
50g unsalted nuts
100g rice fl our
a pinch of salt

Combine the cherries, sugar, brandy
and butter in an ovenproof dish.
To make the crumble, simply chuck
the dry ingredients into a processor
and pulse to chop the nuts and oats
up a bit. Pulse or rub the butter
into this mixture until it resembles
breadcrumbs. Scatter the crumble
over the fruit and bake at 180 for
35-40 minutes.

Chocolate pudding

Melt 150g coconut oil or butter in a saucepan. Set aside. Add 8 tbsp
of cacao powder, 2 pinches of sea salt, 6 tbsp of maple syrup, 2 tsps
of vanilla extract and 1 tsp of bicarb. Stir together until smooth. Whisk
6 medium eggs, then slowly whisk in the chocolate mixture. Top with
fruit, sprinkle with a little sea salt and bake at 180 until it reaches your
gooey requirements!